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Refund Policy

  • Helpdice Offers pay as per plan and use as per plan selected ploicy All subscription plan offered by Helpdice are Non-refundable, we follow that cancellation of subscription cause due to unexpected result, For preventing this we have feedback for customer, In which customer can talk about whatever issue they are facing using our platform.

  • Every Customer feedback always valued as high priority of change if applicable.

  • We replay back to our customer if the feedback was appreciable, with how much days it will be fixed.

  • Customer subscription will end automatically halting all the service at end of date. To continue using our services customer have to buy a new plan to renew it subscription as per the amount stated in plan.

  • To Offer Better productivity we have different plans based upon user needs, they can subscribe as per there need of interest, we may introduce more plan in future as per our customer feedback.